Search Results for: cardinal spirit animal Articles

The Alternative Animal for Your Zodiac Sign, Using Tarot Cards

You may be quite familiar with the standard symbolism that is attached to each zodiac sign. They’re quite important, after all! Aries is the ram, Taurus is the bull, so on and so forth. Each of these symbols, often in animal form, has rich meaning and importance that enhance our

Your Weekly Numerology Forecast for June 27 – July 3, 2022

Hello, Stargazers! Here is your weekly numerology forecast for the week ahead, June 27th to July 3rd, 2022. The theme of the coming week is very much focused on emotions and vulnerabilities that lie within. The Cardinal Water sign, Cancer, has a lot of powerful influence over us for the

Pet Compatibility

Everyone always wants to know who they are the most compatible with and why, whether it’s love compatibility, relationship compatibility, or personality compatibility. There is one area of our lives that sometimes does not get as much attention as it deserves when it comes to who we’re most compatible with—and for some

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius Dates: November 21 – December 21* Zodiac Symbol: Archer Element: Fire Ruling Planet: Jupiter Ruling House: 9th Quality: Mutable Polarity: Positive Power Color: Red, Purple, Blue, Indigo Birthstones: Topaz, Amethyst, Ruby, Sapphire, Turquoise Flowers: Carnation Key Traits: Adventurer, Idealistic, Exaggerative Desires: To make the impossible possible Compatible Signs: Aries,

Free Daily Career Horoscopes

Click on your zodiac sign to receive your free daily career horoscope, updated daily. Astrology has the answers if you’ve ever wondered which career path or job you’re meant for or if your current career makes sense. Discover your life’s true purpose using your career horoscope! Click On Your Sign

Chakra Work for Libra Season

Libra season is almost upon us! This means Venus, the planet of love, art, and relationships, is at her most powerful when she enters a sign of her rulership. Libra is a Cardinal Air sign, and if you are a Libra – or know a Libra – you will know

The Masculine & Feminine in Astrology

Understanding the masculine and feminine energies in astrology can help us see much more clearly how the planets affect us and having this insight will help us better understand people. When we know the introverted (feminine) and extroverted (masculine) signs, we can better understand the birth chart as well as

Mars Enters Aquarius – Where Dreams & Passions Collide by the Zodiac Sign

It’s time to start thinking of some dreams again! Just when things in life started to feel a little draggy, thanks Saturn, energy picks up steam again. We’ve had multiple planets in retrograde status over the Summer months, and life has been slow moving in all directions. Or at least

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